Spanning the Spectrum of Global Trade

Spanning the Spectrum of Global Trade

Ahmedabad Export Import Development Association (AEIDA) looks ahead for its creation of new members, which include manufacturers, distributors, and retailers of a broad spectrum of products including chemicals, electronics, machinery, footwear, automobiles and automotive parts, food, household consumer goods, toys, specialty items, textiles and apparel, and footwear. Also vital are companies and organizations serving international trade such as carriers, customs brokers, freight forwarders, banks, attorneys, and insurance firms. (AEIDA) large and diverse membership base provides it with a high level of credibility among policy makers. As a primary representative of the entire trade community, and of both importers and exporters, AEIDA is able with particular effectiveness to make the point that trade restrictions and protectionism ultimately injure the world’s largest consumer market and the world’s largest exporter, in Ahmedabad. And India.