Ahmedabad Export Import Development Association (AEIDA) is the premier ( Non Profit Company ) business organization registered under the companies Act, representing companies engaged in global trade ,along Import and Export Business We are recognized as technical experts regarding the day-to-day import and export of goods including the facilitation of global trade.
AEIDA advocates on behalf of companies on trade policy issues, trade compliance practices and operations before Executive Agencies, and multi-lateral organizations including the Government Bodies & various organizations .
AEIDA plays an important role in providing education to international trade compliance professionals through its standing committees which review proposed trade policy and regulations for comment, off-the-record webinars with government officials, and the Association’s annual conference, seminars and trade briefings .where by it will working with the benefit of Import and Export Business. and its development.
AEIDA assists international trade compliance professionals by providing information concerning government regulations through its international trade Checkpoint platform and annual Bench marking Survey compiling the data on import, export, security and product safety issues. for the development of Importers and Exporters.
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