Business advantage as a gateway for Ahmedabad-based entrepreneurs to reach out Opportunities in Oman.
Ahmedabad Export Import Development Association (AEIDA) Hutchison Ports SoharOman jointly hold a seminar for Ahmedabad Business Houses and Entrepreneurs On 11th November 2019 at Ahmedabad and Mumbai on 13th November.
The Seminar highlighted business advantage as a gateway for Ahmedabad-based entrepreneurs to reach out Opportunities in Oman.
Ahmedabad, 11th November, 2019– TheAhmedabad Export Import Development Association (AEIDA)held a business seminar in the city today with an aim to raise the awareness among local entrepreneurs and businessmen about Oman being an excellent platform to expand their business globally.
The seminar apprised the city’sBusiness & Trade fraternity and entrepreneursabout Oman business advantage as a gateway for businesses to reach out to entire Gulf. and other international markets via Sohar Oman. The bilateral trade has clocked has the fast growing with India. India is one of the of the largest trading partner of Oman with bilateral trade of around US$6.71 billion in 2017-18, at an impressive increase of 67% over 2016-17 from US$4 billion , this figures are excluding the Oil & petroleum. Thus its a clear indication of the strong growing trade ties between the two countries.
Addressing the local business houses in Ahmedabad Mr.Anachin Kum CEO, Hutchison Ports Sohar Oman. said, “India and Oman have a long and close business relationship. While India will continue to take the lead in regional economic growth, the Oman can hub for Indian enterprises to expand their market globally..We are excited to offer SMEs and entrepreneurs in Ahmedabad to grow their business exponentially.”
Mr.PurvinMariyankari Director Ahmedabad Export Import Development Association (AEIDA) , Informed entrepreneurs how to take advantage of the array of business services, value additions such as providing marketing opportunities, market of Oman.
The Seminar highlighted to the 250+Ahmedabad-based businesspeople at the seminar, how to take the advantage of amenity & facilities of Hutchison Ports SoharOman.